About Aspire Gifts & Models
Aspire Gifts & Models are an established supplier of model railways with an extensive range of products on offer. They attend exhibitions across the UK and they have a shop based in Dorset.
In order to extend their services to a wider market, Aspire Gifts & Models commissioned Ravenbridge to design a modern style e-commerce website with an improved customer interface to their existing site. Part of the redesign involved migrating the vast selection of railway products across from their old site and remapping them into a new menu structure to make it easier for customers to locate the items they want.
Once the online shop was populated with products, we then integrated the site with this client’s chosen payment gateway to enable customers to buy direct from the website.
Due to the extra level of security required for an online shop, we set the site up with a professional SSL certificate to make it secure and ready for customers.
Part of the client brief was the ability for them to add and remove items from their online shop and also manage stock levels. once the site was completed, it was optimised for search engines to make it easier for customers to find online.
The Client Brief
- Responsive Design
- Use of a content management system to enable the client to self manage the online shop
- Professional SSL security certificate to ensure security for customers
- Importing a significant quantity of products onto the newly designed site
- Easy to navigate product listing categories and menu structure